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Cadet Programs => Cadet Programs Management & Activities => Topic started by: Walkman on March 07, 2011, 09:30:58 PM

Title: Character Dev scenarios
Post by: Walkman on March 07, 2011, 09:30:58 PM
I've pretty much run through all the lesson in the CD course book. With the same group of cadets, I don't want to repeat any and make things boring.

Do anyone have any resources for new scenarios for discussion? We've got a good groove running and there's been plenty of excellent thinking going on.

One idea I had was to sit everyone in a circle and have some quick "what would you do" story problem written on slips of paper. Put 'em in a cover, pass them around and then each person 1 minute to read, think of a response & share.

Thoughts, ideas, resources?

Title: Re: Character Dev scenarios
Post by: coudano on March 07, 2011, 09:59:33 PM
You can make your own scenarios, sort of "ripped from the headlines"
the last one that I did, several years ago, revolved around the Michael Vick case with the dog fighting ring
ethics of dogfighting, was he guilty, should he have been suspended from nfl, etc

I had a MLDO that took over for me for the years after that, and did 'several' in this manner,
wound up being the MLDO of the year (outstanding)
I would definitely still present them in the same format, and make sure that they are well suited to a FAPS analysis.

I have also used 'lateral thinking' puzzles, and 'critical thinking' puzzles.  You can find a lot of these online, or even buy a book full of them at your local bookstore.

We have a stack of these in the archives over at, however they are poorly organized and hard to find :(  something we need to fix.  I'd like to encourage everyone who "home-rolls" a character mod to submit them to a central repository so we can all share off each-others' work.
Title: Re: Character Dev scenarios
Post by: Walkman on March 08, 2011, 01:00:59 AM
Quote from: coudano on March 07, 2011, 09:59:33 PM
We have a stack of these in the archives over at, however they are poorly organized and hard to find :(  something we need to fix.  I'd like to encourage everyone who "home-rolls" a character mod to submit them to a central repository so we can all share off each-others' work.

Could you give me an idea of where to look, or what keywords to search under?

Thanks for the ideas.
Title: Re: Character Dev scenarios
Post by: Pylon on March 08, 2011, 04:34:19 AM
I've used the Trolley Problem ( and the Plank of Carneades ( with much success with the cadets.  We covered the Dudley vs. Stevens case ( (didn't reveal the real life verdicts until afterwards) and I put them in the shoes of being the Captain of the ship on the lifeboat.  We've also done other scenarios involving human life in the balance including ones that cover topics like collateral damage vs. the greater good during war and also the real-life decision regarding the innocent Afghan civilians faced by the SEALs in Marcus Luttrell's book Lone Survivor (     Similar to Plank of Carneades but one I haven't done before is the standard "Lifeboat Ethics (" scenario.  Our cadets loved most of these scenarios and others I "home-rolled" and I got much more active participation, debate, and deep thought with these than most of the ones from the book. 

Half the stuff from the book is extremely "After School Special"-like, extremely transparent, and rather preachy.  It might be suited for a 3rd grade DARE class or something ("So, kids, are drugs baaaad?  They're bad, riiiiight?  Riiiiight?") but not particularly challenging nor thought-provoking for the bright, talented, self-motivated group of achievers we typically see as CAP cadets.
Title: Re: Character Dev scenarios
Post by: Major Carrales on March 08, 2011, 05:05:25 AM
This is gonna sound odd, but I started a Character Development exercise with a few minutes of the old Phil Silver's where they induct a money into the army.  The idea is that everyone was so focused on "improving" the induction system that they were not paying attention to what they were doing.

We then discuss the issues of the various people and actions that allowed it to happen.  We can then, despite the farcical nature of the program, look at the deeper issues.

I've used that also to show "situational" awareness for safety.
Title: Re: Character Dev scenarios
Post by: Walkman on March 08, 2011, 11:37:40 AM
Great ideas everyone! Keep 'em coming!
Title: Re: Character Dev scenarios
Post by: Bobble on March 10, 2011, 07:41:47 PM