CAP Talk

General Discussion => Membership => Topic started by: EMT-83 on March 22, 2010, 02:06:31 AM

Title: Home-Grown SLS
Post by: EMT-83 on March 22, 2010, 02:06:31 AM
This weekend was our squadron-based SLS. For various reasons, we had members who were unable to attend a Wing training program. A few months ago, we decided just go ahead and run the class. Here's a quick review of the project:

From the start, I knew that I didn't want this course to be held in the cramped classroom at the squadron. I made a list of all the hotels in the city, and prepared to cold call all of them. We got lucky on the first call, and the conference center readily agreed to donate meeting space. It turns out that the conference manager has family members on active duty, and she was totally supportive. They even offered a 50% room discount in case anyone wanted to stay overnight.

Now that we had a home, I submitted a Form 46 to NHQ and Wing HQ. In just a few days, the course was listed on the NHQ website. I made arrangements for the course to be listed on the Wing website calendar and asked the Wing PDO to send a course announcement out to the squadrons, which he did.

I put out a call for instructors, and got six highly qualified members from within our own squadron. It took a little tweaking of the schedule, but we lined up the best instructor for each module. I created a booklet with lesson plans and copies of the slides for each instructor, so they could review the material.

A quick thanks to Eclipse for the SLS video clips!

We had established a registration deadline for two weeks prior to the course. This was to allow the conference center to write the orders for the room setup and food, as well as time to get course material printed. At $25 per person, we were able to cover morning and afternoon break food for both days, along with the printed materials. After the deadline, I send out a couple of email updates to all the participants, with reminders on schedule, uniform, directions, etc. We ended up with 13 students, 6 from other squadrons.

When we arrived Saturday, the meeting room was better than we ever could have hoped for and the food was great. The instructors did an outstanding job with their presentations, and the students were lively in the group discussions. Looking back, there are a couple of things we could have done better, but an honest evaluation will always identify areas to improve.

I'm posting this to share our experience, and encourage others to take the leap. We hear grumbling (and sometimes grumble ourselves) about Group or Wing not offering the training that we need. With a little initiative, it can be done at the squadron level. It must have been okay, because on the way out the door someone asked, "So Captain, when are we doing CLC?"
Title: Re: Home-Grown SLS
Post by: RiverAux on March 22, 2010, 02:22:37 AM
Great to see squadrons taking care of their folks this way.  I think the urban legend that only higher commands can hold these classes has probably kept other units from trying it.  Though to be honest, I'm not sure that all that many units could pull it off. 
Title: Re: Home-Grown SLS
Post by: arajca on March 22, 2010, 02:26:16 AM
Actually, wings ARE supposed to be the ones holding them, but to get wing approval typically takes a quick email the the Director of Professional Development, who will typically respond with an enthuiastic "YES!".
Title: Re: Home-Grown SLS
Post by: bosshawk on March 22, 2010, 03:03:20 AM
Congratulations on what apparently was a well-planned and executed course.  Too often, I see Sqs willing to sit on their fourth point of contact and grouse about how Gp or Wing never puts these classes on or they gripe that nobody else does it.  I know of one Wing PD Officer who is likely hiding behind his desk when the queries come in for CLS or SLS.

I have instructed in both CLC and SLS and have always been very pleased with the results.  I also spent about 18 months as an instructor at the Army Intel School.