CAP uniform to basic training

Started by ♠SARKID♠, December 31, 2007, 11:33:41 PM

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Well, I guess it happens.....

So I'm at my wing's clinic closing out my profile from back surgery and as I'm in the hallway I see a guy off in the distance in a flight suit but with an army flight jacket. Dude is holding a folder close to his chest but as he turns I notice the CAP Pluto patch, then an officer's flight cap in his lower leg pocket.

As he approaches, I see a leather name tag with Army enlisted aircrew wings with air assault underneath, but his name, "captain" and "CAP" are also on the tag.

Very curious at this point, I ask. "Hey buddy, I see a CAP ES patch on your jacket, you in CAP?" It's actually not out of the ordinary to see any variety of patches on flight suits in the guard, but on an army jacket with the odd leather name tag set-up.

Find out, he showed up in his CAP flight suit to do his enlistment physical for the Air Guard. He's enlisting as a load master with prior service in the army.  He told me he was flying (CAP plane) later in the day to a commander's call elsewhere in the state. I asked, why in the world he didn't wear civvies and slip into the flight suit later. He said he wouldn't have time....

I don't know, I just found it....weird. Oh, and he wreaked of cigarette smoke, which isn't illegal, but I find it disgusting nonetheless
Serving since 1987.


Now, I could understand a recent cadet showing up at basic like this, but a prior service, presumably older, senior member?  Wow.