CAP Talk

Cadet Programs => Encampments & NCSAs => Topic started by: Heather on July 20, 2006, 11:09:09 PM

Title: CTWG encampment staff quotes
Post by: Heather on July 20, 2006, 11:09:09 PM
"We have less surface area!"-Support Staff

"What are you new?"-Kyle Matta

" want first towel?"-Female Cadet Staff

"DUM DUMS!"-Heather Bourne and Adam Trujillo

"What part of loud obnoxious music at 5am do you not understand?! It is a privilege and an honor to hear me blast that stereo so early....and if you are lucky....I might even have some blow horns, yelling, and banging" -Katie Winkler

"Ditching! Ditching! Ditching!"-Encampment Staff

Steph Collins : "Why are there urinals in the female bathroom?
Jill Jackson:  (approaches urinal with curiosity)
Kaite Winkler : "I don't know...maybe they want us to use them?"
Collins : hmmmm
Jackson : (precedes to flush urinal)
Winkler : "PHOTO OP!"
Collins, Jackson, Winkler : (pose for photo of them at urinal)

"What's over there?! What's over there?!" -Adam Trujillo, Olivia Raymond, Heather Bourne
Title: Re: CTWG encampment staff quotes
Post by: Jolt on January 11, 2007, 12:01:19 AM
I know this is old, but I never saw it before.

I made up a giant list after I got home and I happened to save it.

Here goes:

"What are you, new?"- Kyle Mata

"[Consarn] it, Molleur, get the [consarn] guidon."- Matt Nemeth

"Before we start having our conversation there are a few things I think you should know. First of all, the only things touching my body are a sombrero, a cell phone, and Nick's left hand...[listens to phone for a second] No, don't worry, it's on my shoulder."- Ian McDonough

"Housekeeping, want fresh towels...?"- Stephanie Collins and Katie Winkler

"Don't worry, our guidon has less surface area than all the other flights."- Kyle Mata

"I'm hungry, you want a retard sandwich?"- Just about everyone said that at one point or another. Nick Dill's timing, however, was noteworthy.

"That's what she said."- Just about everyone, again. Kyle Mata started it at encampment.

"Okay, let me ask you a question here, and it's completely involves some handcuffs, and I see some wait, is that a dolphin? No, no wait it's a sea otter. Yep, definitely a sea otter. Okay, so what's he doing now? Oh wait he's spanking it! He must have been a bad sea otter."- Ian McDonough

"Molinari, put your towel back on!"- Random B Flight cadet

"Let's let Vigars be Vigars."- Kyle Mata (that one may need an explanation)

"I just can't live without my Tabasco sauce. It would have been great on those chicken patties, man." Paraphrased quote from a C Flight cadet

"2008, that's what I like to see."- Same C Flight cadet said this to me during CQ when I was going into the building and gave him my ID card.

"Yes, sir... wait... You're not a "sir," oh my God."- Young in-flight C/A1C speaking to older C/Amn support staff member. He had the funniest look of surprise on his face.

Jill Jackson- "You're kind of cute, too."
Me- "Encampment cute, or regular cute?"

"Why is tea so hot?"- Matt Boast

"The next exercise is this one."- Matt Boast

"My pillow's name is wood finish."- Kyle Mata

"He's out to lunch."- Bryan Krampovitis

"What, praytell, is a bigon, and what does praytell mean?"- Ian McDonough

"Ya jerk."- Just about everyone

"Heeeeyyyy"- Matt Nemeth (said in a high pitch and as funny as you can make it)

"Olay"- Kyle Mata

"I wrote the manual. It's written in stone, baby."- Matt Nemeth

"High socks, high spirits."- Various People (Jill Jackson brought it from NY)

"How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood? Well various factors come into play..." -Joe Trujillo

"Indeed."- Olivia Raymond and Adam Trujillo

"It's ricotta [with Italian accent], not ricotta."- Alicia Biondo

"Indubitably."- A Flight

"Don't let it marinate!"- Matt Boast talking about flushing toilets

"I'm just here for the gits and shiggles."- Mike Savvides

"It's like a wet dog."- Lt Breault
Title: Re: CTWG encampment staff quotes
Post by: 1st Lt Provost on January 20, 2007, 06:07:09 PM
I like those.  But, when you have been to over 8 encampments, there really is a lot of different quotes that come up.  Let me know if you want to hear some.

On a side note, get those applications in, we need you guys.
Title: Re: CTWG encampment staff quotes
Post by: Jolt on January 21, 2007, 05:11:43 AM
I plan on getting the application in ASAP.

One question though, is there a form I have to fill out other than the CTWG Form 31-A?  Do I have to write out the 50-H also?  Do I have to write an essay, a resume?  Anything like that.  All I remember you saying on the phone was that there was a new form that had to be filled out this year and that the check needed to come in with the form.

Thanks for the help, sir, and I'd like to see some of the better quotes you've heard if you get the chance to post them.
Title: Re: CTWG encampment staff quotes
Post by: 1st Lt Provost on January 23, 2007, 03:55:05 PM
Hi there again.  Yes you are correct about the 50-H, which describes what position you are applying for, it's pretty much explanatory.  If you'd like to include a resume and whatever else, be my guest.  The more information we have, the better informed decision we can make.

I'll get the quotes up.
Title: Re: CTWG encampment staff quotes
Post by: Jolt on January 23, 2007, 09:52:42 PM
I'll go ahead and staple a quick resume.  The form has a box that says, "Other qualifications if any," and I don't know what that means.
Title: Re: CTWG encampment staff quotes
Post by: 1st Lt Provost on January 26, 2007, 07:20:10 PM
It means anything you believe that will sell yourself for the respective position you are applying for.  You need to make yourself look like Gen. George S Patton(not his foul mouth) as compared to others.  This year especially, we are looking for and only picking the "best of the best".  Good luck.