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Historical Monographs

Started by tarheel gumby, February 27, 2010, 08:27:27 PM

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tarheel gumby

Dose anybody have a source of CAP historical monographs. I have seen these referenced but can't seem to find them. I am working on a project with my assistant historian to create a tool kit for new historians in NCWG. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Joseph Myers Maj. CAP
Squadron Historian MER NC 019
Historian MER NC 001
Historian MER 001


CAPMART used to sell them.  Don't know if Vanguard does or not.

These items should have been scanned and put on the CAP museum web site years ago....


If you have ten thousand regulations you destroy all respect for the law. - Winston Churchill


I must be blind, I don't see them on the museum site.  He was asking about the CAP historical monographs, not posters. 


Quote from: RiverAux on February 28, 2010, 01:40:35 AM
He was asking about the CAP historical monographs, not posters.

d'oh!  I saw monogram and though "lithograph"
If you have ten thousand regulations you destroy all respect for the law. - Winston Churchill

tarheel gumby

Specificlay what I am looking for is PDF's or Word documents. I know that there a number of them out there, Just finding them is the hard part.
Joseph Myers Maj. CAP
Squadron Historian MER NC 019
Historian MER NC 001
Historian MER 001


Close, but no cigar. 

These are what he is looking for:

NUMBER ONE: Duck Club,
by Col. L. E. Hopper, CAP

NUMBER TWO: Air Medals,
by Col. L. E. Hopper, CAP

by Robert E. Neprud Author of Flying Minute Men

NUMBER FOUR: Uniform Plates,
by Lt. Col. Lee Ragan, CAP

NUMBER FIVE: Anti-Submarine Warfare,
by Lt. John R. Henningan, USN

NUMBER SIX: CAP in Song and Verse,
by Lt. Col. Allan F. Pogorzelski, CAP

NUMBER SEVEN: History of CAP Coastal Patrol Base 6,
by Col. John H. Batten, CAP

NUMBER EIGHT: Civil Air Patrol 1941-1991 A Chronological Bibliography,
by Lt. Col. Donald C. Bortor, CAP


Unfortunately, the historical monograph series hasn't been active since the 1980s, all under Col Hopper's tenure as National Historian. They were typed, some had a few rather crude drawings, and then photocopied. I have a complete set, and they definitely look crude and "home-made" compared to modern publishing standards.

About five years ago, I tried to ask the National Historian about the series, having begun research on a proposed monograph. His somewhat vague answer had more to do with finding time to scan the series and make them available. But that hasn't happened yet. Not sure why the Historical Foundation hasn't attacked this project....

I have scanned "Monograph #6: CAP in Song and Verse," planning to update the layout and add graphics and even music files. The basic scanned file is 13 MB, without the new additions (all it takes is time....). I'd be more than willing to share it with you, Tarheel Gumby.
Charles Wiest

tarheel gumby

Thank you, I would appreciate that very much sir.
Joseph Myers Maj. CAP
Squadron Historian MER NC 019
Historian MER NC 001
Historian MER 001

tarheel gumby

Any Monographs or Articles would be great, the project that I am working on is to give new historians in NCWG a way to get started without getting discouraged. I very nearly dropped the specialty track at the beginning, because of a lack of information or guidance, and frustration. Thank you to all here on captalk that have helped me in my efforts.
Joseph Myers Maj. CAP
Squadron Historian MER NC 019
Historian MER NC 001
Historian MER 001


Joe -

Of course I would be MORE than happy to store whatever you can come up with in the Document Library at the CAP Patches website.

I'm proud of you and the project you've taken on! Good luck, friend.

Ace Browning, Maj, CAP
History Hoarder
71st Wing, Minnesota