CAP Talk

Operations => Tools of the trade => Topic started by: ThatOneGuy on December 19, 2011, 03:14:01 AM

Title: 24/72 Hour Pack
Post by: ThatOneGuy on December 19, 2011, 03:14:01 AM
Hey y'all, quick question:

For the 72 hour pack, do you have to have everything that is on the list required for the 24 hour pack in it as well as the additional items listed for the 72 hour pack, or is it just necessarily to have the additional items for the 72 hour pack in there? The regs were not super clear on this.

Thank you in advance!
Title: Re: 24/72 Hour Pack
Post by: Ed Bos on December 19, 2011, 06:43:49 AM
The requirement is to have all the items in the 24 hours gear, as the gear you wear on a sortie, and then the separate list of the items in the 72 hours gear, that stays at mission base. Both lists are required for GTM2 and GTM1 the way the task guide is written.

The 24 hour gear is not duplicated to be included in the 72 hour gear.

Your GSAR instructor should be able to give you direction during your training, before you're evaluated on this task.

Title: Re: 24/72 Hour Pack
Post by: SAR-EMT1 on December 19, 2011, 07:57:45 AM
They are separate packs. The important thing to remember is this: If need be you should be able to carry both packs at the same time: A.E As two backpacks/duffel bags  etcetera...

My 24 hour gear is contained in an butt-pack attached to ALICE webgear ( H-Harness as pistol belt) Canteens on the belt, compass on the harness.

The 72 hour gear resides in a LARGE ALICE pack that I slip on over the H-harness. Total load is in the neighborhood of 40-60 lbs depending on how much water and snacks I carry.
Title: Re: 24/72 Hour Pack
Post by: Eclipse on December 19, 2011, 02:49:33 PM
72-hour gear is base gear for replenishment and living in the field on extended operations, unless you are on part of a team that works in
an area where there is a "pack-in" requirement, it can go in a duffel bag or sturdy container.

The vast majority of our missions, even the ones that go for extended periods, do not require trucking in the full 72 on your back.