CAP Talk

Operations => CAP sUAS Discussions => Topic started by: etodd on September 01, 2019, 04:34:46 PM

Title: etodd and the CAP sUAS Program
Post by: etodd on September 01, 2019, 04:34:46 PM
OK, yes, I get too silly here online quite often and say things that in person would get a laugh while we were drinking a beer together, yet in this forum type enviornment where most everyone is trying to conduct serious conversations .. it doesn't go over so well. I apologize and will try and temper myself. I've gotten lots of slaps to the head here, and deserved each and every one.

In forum posts, PMs, emails and FB messages over the last few days, everyone has given some great advice and also shared some good information. I really appreciate it.

The webinar that seemed to layout how everything would be done, seemed to go out the door, when the Puerto Rico (mission, whatever) came about ... hence my starting some threads to ask if any of this had been done this way before. Evidently not ... so I'm still watching all this to see how it will play out. As DOu of a Wing, it would be nice to be able to tell people I'm training what they might be training for.

My personal thoughts are that we are trying to train nationwide, NOT because we hope to have lots of local missions, but because we need a very large pool of sUAS Pilots to call upon in case of large natural disasters. Like the Texas flooding, where we had planes and crews from a large number of Wings who would sign up for a week or two at a time, all that summer.

Anyway, my goal in starting all these threads a few months ago, was to help generate local interest in getting people interested in the program, and helping them ramp it up in their Wings. The sUAS folks at Hdqs were working directly with people at grass roots levels at that point. Training the trainers, who could then start up training in their Wings.

We now do have quite a few Wings with sUAS Programs up and running. Due to this early start, we are now responding to actual FEMA requests. So I guess those of us who pushed from day one, either got something going that will help CAP in the future, or may hurt it. IDK. Time will tell.

A message I received this morning was that I should just keep low, keep training people, and helping to run our Wing Program. Good advice.  I'll be here to answer any questions and maybe post occasionally, but my main purpose here has been completed. Most anything that a new person interested in the program and wants to know how to start, can be found by searching this forum.

Again I'd like to thank everyone who cared enough to slap me down and help show me the way. While I joke around too much, please know I do listen. :)
Title: Re: etodd and the CAP sUAS Program
Post by: Holding Pattern on September 02, 2019, 04:43:52 AM
To be quite honest, most recently in your posts I've seen you doing while plenty of people were complaining about how things couldn't or shouldn't be done.

Make notes, learn lessons, make the next mission better, and you'll be doing more for this program than the people complaining.

The one note I'll make: Take full advantage of the people who offer help. One of the best things that will make this program take off positively is working hand-in-hand with a PAO/PIO to send your message the right way. I saw at least one person offer this assistance; make sure you seize the opportunity of a volunteer stepping up to help.
Title: Re: etodd and the CAP sUAS Program
Post by: etodd on September 02, 2019, 02:30:06 PM
Thanks Holding Pattern!