CAC Review (for all members)

Started by TinyGiant, March 28, 2024, 03:22:34 AM

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Good evening everyone!

I'm attending the SER RCLS this year. My team is working on trying to fix some of the issues within the CAC.

If anyone reading could take a few minutes to fill out the form, that would be incredibly helpful for our presentation. Thank you.


Майор Хаткевич

Filled out. Don't take my comments as being harsh. I think there's a major disconnect between how cadets see it, and how the SMs treat it, vs what it was meant to be all along. 

If you ever want more insights, please feel free to ask either here, or DM (does DM violate CPP?)? 

- Former Cadet, CAC member, current Patron. 


Thank you for your response! As we move further along in this process, I definitely might take you up on that offer. We really appreciate it.


Quote from: Майор Хаткевич on March 28, 2024, 01:45:41 PMIf you ever want more insights, please feel free to ask either here, or DM (does DM violate CPP?)?

You can CC other forum members with DM. I can't speak for the other mods, but if you (or any forum member) ever need a 3rd for CPP purposesm feel free to CC me and just include in the message that you're CC'ing me for CPP purposes so that I don't interject my nose where it doesn't belong.
If you are confident in you abilities and experience, whether someone else is impressed is irrelevant. - Eclipse


I think it's awesome that cadets are working on improving the CAC system! I just filled out the form! Best of luck to you and your team.


Dave Bowles
Maj, CAP
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