Wright Bros test help

Started by C/Awesomenesss, October 20, 2014, 03:56:49 AM

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Im about to take the Wright Bros test for like the 10th time. Is there practice test somewere to help.

Any advise would be awesome.


Майор Хаткевич

Search is your friend.

Study chapter 1-3 on leadership.


If your on Quizlet. (free) There is a CAP class that has different ways of studying (online) such as flash cards, a couple of games, mini-test, and learn mode. The lists for the Leadership chapters 1-3 usually encompass key terms and some objective questions; helped me get my Mitchell.
http://quizlet.com/class/991348/   8)
C/LtCol Neutron Star
PAWG ENC 2013/ AMMA 2014/ NER W RCLS 2014-5 [Salutatorian] / NER Powered Flight Academy 2015

"A fiery strength inspires their lives, An essence that from heaven
derives,..." - Vergil, The Aeneid

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