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HSO application stalled

Started by HSO_Stalled, August 14, 2023, 02:15:56 AM

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My spouse wanted to have her HSO application reviewed for possible rank to 1st Lt or Capt but the application has been emailed and nothing has been done. It's been over 1 year and she renewed her membership in the meantime and still no word. We even emailed the Wing and HSO, and no progress. What could be the delay? She's maybe thinking of leaving CAP or maybe the squadron.


Check out CAPR 35.5, Chapter 5 professional Appointments. Based on that submit a CAPF2 in paper form and attach her medical qualifications and licenses to practice.
Michael P. McEleney
Lt Col CAP
MSG USA (Retired)
50 Year Member


Is she an HSO already trying to apply for an advanced promotion, or is the whole reason she joined being stalled?  I would hate to see someone leave CAP over a set of ranks that pretty much dont mean anything.  Not to take away from the accomplishments of professional development, but if shes an HSO as a 2LT or an HSO as a Captain, it has no bearing on how she participates in CAP.
Robert Steht, Capt.
Mission Pilot/CD Pilot
CFI Airplane / CFI Helicopter
Former Sq. Commander


Quote from: FlyingPig on August 15, 2023, 02:33:57 PMIs she an HSO already trying to apply for an advanced promotion, or is the whole reason she joined being stalled?  I would hate to see someone leave CAP over a set of ranks that pretty much dont mean anything.  Not to take away from the accomplishments of professional development, but if shes an HSO as a 2LT or an HSO as a Captain, it has no bearing on how she participates in CAP.

She's been SM for years now, but she initially applied with the paperwork for advanced rank initially, later earning a further advanced degree which could result in a further upgrade, and submitting that as well. There's been no movement whatsoever. She continues to participate but the lack of communication leaves a bad taste.


Quote from: MSG Mac on August 15, 2023, 03:41:05 AMCheck out CAPR 35.5, Chapter 5 professional Appointments. Based on that submit a CAPF2 in paper form and attach her medical qualifications and licenses to practice.
Where would this be emailed? And does the Commander do the emailing or the SM?


Mail it to the next step in the Chain of Command. The Commander must sign it. Either the unit or individual can mail it after he signs it.
Michael P. McEleney
Lt Col CAP
MSG USA (Retired)
50 Year Member


Has she been appointed as an HSO by the HSP Officer? If not, start there.

Once officially in the HSO system, grade is determined by: Second Lieutenant. Licensed practical or vocational nurse, paramedic or other health technician. First Lieutenant. Registered nurse, physician assistant or other health professional with a  bachelor's or master's degree as outlined in CAPR 160-1. Captain. Licensed physician, dentist or other health professional with an earned doctorate degree in a health care discipline. Major. Licensed physician appointed a unit health service program officer in accordance with CAPR 160-1 who has served one year time-in-grade as a captain.

Also -

5.4. Promotions. 
5.4.1. After initial appointment, professional personnel may be eligible for future promotions by satisfying the requirements outlined in paragraph 2.1., except: Health service personnel are exempt from education and training requirements after Level I and Part 1 of Level II.


To reiterate the correct process, this requires a paper form (CAPF 2) to be signed and go through channels - group and wing as a minimum, and all the way to national for higher grades. Some wings allow an email process, but the chain is still the same.
Dave Bowles
Maj, CAP
AT1, USN Retired
50 Year Member
Mitchell Award (unnumbered)
C/WO, CAP, Ret


If she's currently serving as an HSO, and you mentioned either to the 1st Lt, or Captain level, that would mean it's up to the Wing Commander as the approving authority.

My recommendation is for the CAPF2 to be submitted to the Squadron Commander with the documentation of her licensure level/education as required.  The recommended best practice from there is for the Squadron Commander to maybe add a letter of recommendation indicating the work she's done as an HSO justifying the appointment.  Routed through the Chain of Command to the Group and Wing for review.   Depending on how the Wing works, it should go to the Wing Promotion Board (After the Group approval) which is why the Letter of Recommendation is helpful, the Promotion board should meet at least quarterly (in the Virtual environment, typically they "meet" as needed, now) then the promotion board should make a recommendation and forward to the Wing CC for review and endorsement.

When the Wing CC approves they should submit to NHQ for entry.  I've seen the process vary from hours to months.  But if it's been more than three months I would totally followup and ask where in the process it is. 

Usually the biggest hurdle is the Wing Promotion Board because it requires the coordination of multiple folks.


Quote from: SARDOC on August 20, 2023, 09:11:15 PMWhen the Wing CC approves they should submit to NHQ for entry.  I've seen the process vary from hours to months.  But if it's been more than three months I would totally followup and ask where in the process it is.

^pretty much all of this.

Yes, an HSO promotion is a "special" so sometimes it gets hung up where someone on the promotion board who hasn't seen one is like "Uh, is this right?"

I can't speak for every wing commander, but when my promotion board approves one of these, its got my signature on it and its off to quick, fast and in a hurry.  Janie Jenkins in Personnel & Membership Services is usually the person to enter those and she's pretty quick, too.  If you sent it on a Monday, its generally proceessed by Wednesday.

In today's digital age, there's almost no excuse for a promotion board meeting on a quarterly basis. Ours meets "when needed."

But if its been 3 months or something, its in someone's inbox unread because they missed it.
Darin Ninness, Col, CAP
Wing Dude, National Bubba
I like to have Difficult Adult Conversations™
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Quote from: HSO_Stalled on August 14, 2023, 02:15:56 AMMy spouse wanted to have her HSO application reviewed for possible rank to 1st Lt or Capt but the application has been emailed and nothing has been done. It's been over 1 year and she renewed her membership in the meantime and still no word. We even emailed the Wing and HSO, and no progress. What could be the delay? She's maybe thinking of leaving CAP or maybe the squadron.

Same with my wife, coming up on 6 months as a SM. She has been assigned the "Heath Services Officer" duty position in eservices, but has not yet been conferred her advanced grade of 1st Lt. due to her Bachelors Degree and licensing as a LPN. It seems the changes in the HSO area are really messing with this process.

Capt. Chris Stewart, CAP
MIWG Wing Chaplain
MI-011 Chaplain
MI-011 Squadron Leadership Officer
GLR-MI-011 - Blue Water Squadron


Here's from the current 35-5:
5.3.3. Health Service Personnel. Upon successful completion of Level I and Part 1 of Level II, unit commanders may initiate a CAPF 2 on health service personnel recommending appointment to an appropriate grade, as outlined below. The member's qualifications will be evaluated by the wing health service program officer, who will provide his or her comments and recommendations to the wing commander prior to approval. (Specific qualifications for medical personnel are outlined in CAPR 160-1.) Second Lieutenant. Licensed practical or vocational nurse, paramedic or other health technician. First Lieutenant. Registered nurse, physician assistant or other health professional with a bachelor's or master's degree as outlined in CAPR 160-1. Captain. Licensed physician, dentist or other health professional with an earned doctorate degree in a health care discipline. Major. Licensed physician appointed a unit health service program officer in accordance with CAPR 160-1 who has served one year time-in-grade as a captain.

It actually means R 160-1(I)

1-8. Qualifications of Health Service Personnel.  Any health professional or technician may qualify for a health service appointment in CAP, provided that proof of current unrestricted licensure, registration, or certification, where such is required by law or regulation, is furnished...

And to close the loop, it refers back to 35-5:

1-9. Initial Appointment and Promotion.  CAPR 35-5, CAP Officer and NCO Appointments and Promotions, prescribes appointment and promotion procedures for health service personnel.

I'd submit another F2, and alert the Group CC and the Wing HSO to be expecting the F2.


Thank you! Already sent up the COC

Capt. Chris Stewart, CAP
MIWG Wing Chaplain
MI-011 Chaplain
MI-011 Squadron Leadership Officer
GLR-MI-011 - Blue Water Squadron


Things finally resolved...thank you all!

Hopefully they can figure out the whole ES side of HSO at some point.

Chap. Stewie

Capt. Chris Stewart, CAP
MIWG Wing Chaplain
MI-011 Chaplain
MI-011 Squadron Leadership Officer
GLR-MI-011 - Blue Water Squadron