Senior Member Boundaries

Started by lostdude1664, September 14, 2015, 05:09:36 AM

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Quote from: Spam on September 17, 2015, 05:04:49 AM

John Bender: Hey, Cherry. Do you belong to the physics club?
Claire Standish: That's an academic club.
John Bender: So?
Claire Standish: So academic clubs aren't the same as other kinds of clubs.
John Bender: Ah... but to dorks like him, they are. What do you guys do in your club?
Brian Johnson: Well, in physics we... we talk about physics, properties of physics.
John Bender: So it's sorta social, demented and sad, but social. Right?

Yep, this is social media, sad though it might seem.


Andy: What do you need a fake I.D. for?
Brian: So I can vote.
