2007 Annual Report to Congress...Missing?

Started by CASH172, February 23, 2008, 04:03:59 AM

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Does anyone know what happened to the 2007 Annual Report to Congress?  It seems like it disappeared off of the PA site on cap.gov.   


It is up there now and printed copies recently made their way out in our wing (who knows how long they've been sitting in a box somewhere.  There had been some rumors floating around that they weren't going to print them.  Maybe they'll actually get a few into the library of congress this time (all these annual reports to congress and not one of them is in the LoC last time I checked).  No wonder CAP gets ignored in histories all the time. 

Can be found at http://members.gocivilairpatrol.com/cap_national_hq/cap_annual_report_to_congress/index.cfm


I posted that in February because it was Legislative Week and I couldn't find it.  I saw some printed copies before from those that helped during Legislative Week, but didn't know if they were actually coming out for distribution.