Gen Honore' on CNN credits CAP

Started by Smithsonia, May 27, 2010, 01:40:15 AM

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Gen. Honore' was on CNN today (5-26) Rick Sanchez asked; ' "What military assets are in the Gulf now, General? He answered, "The Civil Air Patrol is doing a good job and of course the Coast Guard. The National Guard is probably going to be called up..."

Anyway, we seldom get top billing for anything, or lumped in as a MILITARY Asset. So that was nice of the General. The interview is the same one which generated this article"

However the CAP quote is not included in the article and I haven't found the video on line yet.
With regards;

Gung Ho

The National Guard has been called up. Decatur,IL sent a blackhawk and 5 man crew out today
